Health Insurance Rapid Enrollment Discovery
About the project
A Health Care Insurance Organization approached Hitachi Solutions about streamlining their enrollment process once a broker sold the group in their existing portal. The current experience was cumbersome, and users did not have the flexibility to edit data once information was uploaded through an Excel spreadsheet. The Client wanted the Hitachi team to do some research, design, and prototyping to identify the best direction to expand on the existing portal. Development efforts would be identified at the end of the contract, which would lead to another statement of work to design additional workflows and implement the designs.
Client: Health Care Company
Role: Sprint Facilitator, UX Researcher, Lead Designer
Discovery Team: Product Designer, Product Manager + Client
Timeframe: 7 Weeks
Business Goals
Allow Brokers to begin enrolling members immediately after a group has been sold.
Allow Brokers to enroll members using either their own Excel spreadsheet or using a custom template spreadsheet.
Utilize a pre-created enrollment process to help decrease development time.
Follow existing design systems and design patterns present in the existing portal.
Design Sprint Workshop Variant
Sprint Questions (Risks to the Project)
Can we make the system more flexible so that if data is missing or incorrectly formatted, the user can correct it on the portal as they are selecting products for each of the subscribers?
Can we give the user the option to use an existing workflow to add subscribers in addition to the spreadsheet upload?
Can we create a “Data Mapping Tool” that allows brokers to map their spreadsheets to the 12 subscriber fields?
Current Enrollment Workflow
The current rapid enrollment workflow involved a sub-workflow which added complexity to both the user as well as the system. The sub-workflow caused an issue where a user could be stuck in a state of troubleshooting without any feedback from the system.
Proposed Enrollment Workflow
The proposed workflow offered a simpler experience for the user without the need for any sub workflows and loops.
Member Enrollment Flow A
This proposed design pulled from an existing pattern found in an older portal. Switching between Subscriber Information, Dependent Information, and Plan Information used a tab-based UI design.
Member Enrollment Flow B
This proposed design leveraged a UI pattern found in a new portal recently implemented by the Hitachi team. A key design separator from Flow A is the use of a stepper that was already implemented in a separate product.
Refined Rapid Enrollment Workflow
Based on client feedback, the team decided to combine elements from both designs, most importantly utilizing the stepper for navigation around the workflow, while using a one-third/two-third column layout to provide guidance and instruction for the end-user.
Note: To see where to click next, click anywhere on a screen in the prototype, and the next clickable area will highlight blue. To restart the prototype, press the ‘R’ key on your keyboard.
User Testing
As a part of this project, the team was able to test the rapid enrollment prototype with 5 Brokers who would be using the system. The user testing sessions were a 45-minute interview conducted over Microsoft Teams. Prior to reviewing the prototype, the team asked a series of questions to gather qualitative data on the current rapid enrollment workflow.
During the interview, users were shared a Figma link to the prototype, and were asked to share their screen as they clicked through the prototype. Throughout the prototype review, the facilitator asked questions to unpack thoughts, behaviours, and expectations that users experienced.
Following the prototype review, users were asked the same questions to gather feedback on the proposed design direction. This qualitative data was later used to calculate customer value, which is described in the section below.
Overall the users enjoyed the proposed design changes, and found these changes to make a significant impact in their day-to-day jobs:
“I like this better than the current employer system!”
“I really like this flow [for enrolling a member]”
“It’s simple enough that you can pick it up really quickly and easily”
“This page [ancillary coverage] is a little confusing?”
“The stepper with error icons is enormously helpful”
Calculating Customer Value
As a part of the process, we were not only able to gather qualitative feedback, but also we were able to gather qualitative data to calculate Customer Value. The purpose of calculating customer value was to identify what product workflows and features the team should focus on developing. The process for calculating the customer value was:
Before the prototype demo, identify how satisfied the user is with the current implementation of that feature or workflow
Post prototype demo, identify how satisfied the user is with the proposed implementation of that feature or workflow
Customer Value Created = Importance X (Satisfaction Score Final – Satisfaction Score Initial)
Overall Member Enrollment Experience
Importance (Avg): 88%
Initial - Satisfaction Based on Current Implementation (Avg): 61.4%
Final - Satisfaction Based on Prototype (Avg): 91.4%
Customer Value Created: 26.4% Increase in Satisfaction
If the team decided to move forward with improving the rapid enrollment workflow, there would be an increase of 26.4% in Satisfaction of Users when engaging with this workflow. This confirms that the team is heading in the right direction with improving this workflow.
Custom Excel Spreadsheet Upload Workflow
Importance (Avg): 60%
Initial - Satisfaction Based on Current Implementation (Avg): 57.1%
Final - Satisfaction Based on Prototype (Avg): 57.1%
Customer Value Created: 0% Increase in Satisfaction
If the team decided to move forward with proposed custom excel spreadsheet upload workflow, there would be a 0% change in Satisfaction of Users when engaging with this workflow. This result suggests that there would be little value added if the team moved forward with improving this workflow.
Template Upload Workflow
Importance (Avg): 80%
Initial - Satisfaction Based on Current Implementation (Avg): 57.1%
Final - Satisfaction Based on Prototype (Avg): 89.3%
Customer Value Created: 25.7% Increase in Satisfaction
If the team decided to move forward with proposed Template Upload workflow, there would be an increase of 25.7% in Satisfaction of Users when engaging with this workflow. This result suggests that Users would appreciate the proposed template upload process, and the team should move forward with implementing this feature.
Manual Member Entry Workflow
Importance (Avg): 88%
Initial - Satisfaction Based on Current Implementation (Avg): 57.1%
Final - Satisfaction Based on Prototype (Avg): 85.7%
Customer Value Created: 25.1% Increase in Satisfaction
If the team decided to move forward with proposed Manual Member Entry workflow, there would be an increase of 25.1% in Satisfaction of Users when engaging with this workflow. This result suggests that Users would appreciate the proposed manual member entry workflow, and the team should move forward with implementing this feature.
Recommendations and Next Steps
By gathering both qualitative and quantitative data, the team was able to provide very concrete next steps for the Health Care provider. The Hitachi Team made the following recommendations:
Prioritize Manual Member Entry and Template Upload workflows
De-emphasize priority on the Custom Template Upload workflow
Clean up and refinement of the Member Enrollment Process is heading in the right direction in terms of adding additional customer value
Additional refinements are required to the Member Enrollment Flow based on user feedback
To learn more about my process, see additional workflows, and additional mock-ups please contact me!